2017. október 24., kedd

Implementing inheritance for JSON objects

Our App developers wanted to send slightly different JSON elements in a single list, in order to make the App side implementation far less complicated. In order to make it possible to, I decided to implement inheritance hierarchy for the JSON input and the related java DTO classes.

The other possibility would be to have a JSON object with union of the fields from all Java classes and using @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) for them. In this way you would be able to parse only the relevant field into the given Java class.

Advantages of using hierarchy in JSON related classes:

  • more object oriented implementation
  • you can declare different type of objects in a single JSON list, so far they have the same Java super class
  • automatic REST input validation of the Spring framework still works for the classes. Yo do not need to define checking logic with mixed fields and complicated conditions. 
  • easy to add new types in the future, without effecting the existing ones 

  • you need to consider if storing different elements in a single list is a god idea at all
  • complicated structure
  • error prone type definition. It is not possible to define enumeration or any other typed value for the name property of @Type (see below)
  • unit testing of the hierarchy is more complicated
  • difficult to change break the hierarchy structure in case modification is needed later on

I created a common super class for the root of the inheritance and defined the field "actionType" for discriminator.  

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "actionType")
 @Type(value = TriggeredNotificationActionDto.class, name = "NOTIFICATION"),
 @Type(value = TriggeredDeviceActionDto.class, name = "DEVICE")
public static class TriggeredActionDto implements Serializable {
 private String actionType;

I defined the actual sub-classes (using annotation of Lombok project for getter and setter generation). I also defined validators for the fields. They are used by the Spring framework when the objects are acting as input parameter of a REST call.

@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public static class TriggeredNotificationActionDto extends TriggeredActionDto {
 public enum NotificationActionType {

 @NotNull(message = "notificationType must not be blank!")
 private NotificationActionType notificationType;

@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public static class TriggeredDeviceActionDto extends TriggeredActionDto {
 @ApiModelProperty(example = "swagger001")
 @NotNull(message = "Device id must not be blank!")
 private String deviceId;

 @ApiModelProperty(example = "1")
 @NotNull(message = "Channel id must not be blank!")
 @Range(min = 1, message = "Channel id must be a positive number")
 private int channelId;

 @ApiModelProperty(example = "1")
 @NotNull(message = "Value must not be blank!")
 private int value;


In the class, containing the TriggeredActionDto elements, I marked the list as @Valid, in order to force validation of the each elements of the list.

private List<TriggeredActionDto> tasks;

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