2016. november 7., hétfő

Code templates for Eclipse

In my daily work, I found very productive to use my own code templates for Eclipse. By the time, I have collected a useful set of templates.

You can define your own templates by opening the dialog under Preferences\Java\Editor\Templates

Defining templates is quite straightforward. If you need a detailed introduction, please refer to the following source in Tutorialspoint.

Tips and tricks

Make it accessible

As it is possible to export and import templates, I keep my templates file under version control, so I can use them easily in all of my projects.


Naming my own templates is important, while I need to select them all for export, I want to handle them together, and I want to find them during the coding really fast.
Therefore I add the prefix "my" to the template name, and use namespaces to group my templates. So, my templates are named like this:

  • my.junit.assertTrue
  • my.log.createLogger
  • my.stringUtils.notBlank


You can use variables in your template, which makes it possible to define complex expressions.
You can found a complete list of the variables found here


If you use any class in the template, that needs to be imported, define the required import statements as well. Sometime I generate a template for commonly used classes, just for spare the time of importing the needed package. Commons StringUtils is such an example for it. 

// Logger instance
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(${enclosing_type}.class);${cursor}

Static imports

If you use methods, to be imported statically, you can use the staicImport keyword



My Templates are stored under GitHub, and free to use by anyone. It contains following templates:
  • Singleton
  • Lazy initialization in getter method
  • Basic JUnit assertions with imports
  • AssertThat method calls with static exports
  • Mockito commands (when, mock, times)
  • JUnit exception testing with the @Rule annotation
  • Logging (create logger, using different log methods, logging for exception)
  • Input validation for methods, using commons validation
  • generating enumeration with a field inside 
  • Fixme and Todo templates

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