2016. szeptember 28., szerda

Using Application Link in Atlassian plugins

When implementing complex plug-ins for the Atlassian suite, it might be needed to request information from another Atlassian application. You can see examples for it, when JIRA shows Stash commits, of Confluence pages.

As all Atlassian applications has a REST API, it is possible to make JSON calls directly. Using Application Links for communication between Atlassian products however has following advantages

  • It uses central authentication of the Atlassian applications. You can take advantage of the centralized CROWD user management, and don't need to store user and password in some configuration of your plug-in. You also don't need to set authentication data in your code.
  • You use components of the common com.atlassian.applinks.api package, and it is part of the core features of all Atlassian applications. All needed components are included in com.atlassian.applinks maven group, which is automatically included by the application. Therefore you do not need to add any additional maven dependencies to your project.
  • As application liking is supported by all Atlassian products, you can reach all of them with a single programming API from your add-on.
Disadvantage of the solution is, that you are working with pure JSON responses, so in order to map them into the Java world, you need a mapping framework (like Jackson or Gson), and most probably implement your own classes holding the returned information.

If you want to use a single application, with a more object oriented way, you can consider using product specific API.s like JiraRestClient from the com.atlassian.jira.rest.client.api package.  

Configuring Application link

In order to use functionalities of JIRA from my Confluence plug-in, I have created an Application link between the two servers. In local development environment I had to configure the link to use the "Trusted application" authentication type, in order to get it worked.

I made the following steps to create the application link

  1. Start the JIRA and the Confluence server locally, using the atlassian-run command in the root directory of the plug-ins.
  2. Log in as admin to both applications
  3. In JIRA navigate to Administration/Applications/Application links
  4. Create a new application link following the wizard. The process includes to go to the Confluence administration page and set the inverse link as well.
  5. After the application links are visible on both of the servers, set the authentication for incoming and outgoing link to "OAuth (impersonation)" everywhere.
    Doing so, you configures trusted application connection, and you do not need to bother with authentication in the plug-in code.

Implementing usage of Application link

I have implemented an example to show, how to get a list of all JIRA fields in Confluence using the application link to JIRA.

The call via application link uses the REST API URL providing field information: http://javadeveloper:2990/jira/rest/api/2/field

The result from JIRA looks like this:

{"id":"issuetype","name":"Issue Type","custom":false,"orderable":true,
  "schema":{"type":"array","items":"component","system":"components"}}, ...

At the first step, I create an ApplicationLinkRequest pointing to the given URL. 

final static int APP_LINK_TIME_OUT = 60000;

// Logger instance
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JiraServiceCaller.class);

private ApplicationLinkService appLinkService;

 * Creates ApplicationLinkRequest for calling JIRA REST service, based on the restServiceUrl parameter.
 * @param restServiceUrl
 * @return
protected ApplicationLinkRequest createApplicationLinkRequest(String restServiceUrl) {
 MethodType methodType = Request.MethodType.POST;
 ApplicationLinkRequest aplrq = createApplicationLinkRequest(restServiceUrl, methodType);
 return aplrq;

private ApplicationLinkRequest createApplicationLinkRequest(String restServiceUrl, MethodType methodType) {
 ApplicationLink appLink = appLinkService.getPrimaryApplicationLink(JiraApplicationType.class);
 if (appLink == null) {
  log.info("Failed to handle REST request. CredentialsRequiredException occured.");
  throw new JiraConnectionException("Unable to get application link of type 'JiraApplication'");

 ApplicationLinkRequestFactory factory = appLink.createAuthenticatedRequestFactory();
  ApplicationLinkRequest aplrq = null;
 try {
  aplrq = factory.createRequest(methodType, appLink.getRpcUrl() + restServiceUrl);

 } catch (CredentialsRequiredException e) {
  log.warn("Error while creating ApplicationLinkRequest", e);
  throw new JiraConnectionException("Unable to connect JIRA via application link. Error message: '" + e.getMessage() + "'");
 return aplrq;

Than I execute the configured ApplicationLinkRequest to get the result of the REST API call.

private static final String REST_JIRA_RETRIEVE_FIELDS = "/rest/api/2/field";
 * Retrieves a list containing name of all existing JIRA fields
public List<String> retrieveFieldNames() {
 List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();

 try {
  ApplicationLinkRequest alr = createApplicationLinkGetRequest(REST_JIRA_RETRIEVE_FIELDS);
  String jiraResponse = alr.execute();
  if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jiraResponse)) {
   ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
   JsonJiraField[] myObjects = mapper.readValue(jiraResponse, JsonJiraField[].class);
   for (int i = 0; i < myObjects.length; i++) {
    JsonJiraField jsonJiraField = myObjects[i];
 } catch (IOException | ResponseException e) {
  log.warn("Failed to handle REST request. IOException occured.", e.getMessage());
 return result;

For mapping between the JSON sting and the Java code, I implemented a simple value object, holding the JIRA field info, and used the ObjectMapper from Jackson to fill it up with data.     

Add parameters to the REST call

The ApplicationLinkRequest makes it possible to add parameters to your REST call as key - value pairs, like this:

alr.addRequestParameters("projectKey", projectKey);

2016. szeptember 27., kedd

Different ways to use assertions in Java code

In order to create a clean and save code, I prefer implement as many state checks in my code, as possible or necessary.

If a state check fails, you usually want to throw an exception and stop processing the current business step. Failure in state check is always a sign of an implementation problem. As this kind of problems should be found in your test phase, your end user must not face with this kind of exceptions.

You should consider using assertion in the following situations:
  • Parameter check of the non private methods used by your own components.  
  • As it is stated in the many programming design guides, you always need to check parameters of a public method. It helps to provide a clean API and makes your code safer.
  • Check the state of your object before start to execute a critical operation.
It is also an advantage of assertions, that they can be considered as "active comments" in the code. Using assertions with appropriate error message documents the code, and has a well defined functionality at the same time. Assertions also help to test the API contract by writing Unit test direct against them.

You should carefully consider using assertions in following situations:
  • Checking parameters of private methods. In most cases unnecessary, as the caller of the method can be controlled by you.
  • Check returned objects from other software components, treating them as they would be an input to your component. As the connection and returned objects can be dependent of the environment, it does not necessary indicates a programming error if they are not in an appropriate state. In such situations throw a business exception instead. 

You have following ways to implement assertions

Simple Java check

Implementing the state check with a normal Java code, and throw the appropriate exception, when it fails.

  1. You are not bound to a specific framework. 
  2. You can throw any kind of exception, depending of the situation. 
  3. You can implement your own Exception (preferably as a subclass of RuntimeEcxeption), and use it for validations. You can implement the appropriate exception handling for validation problems, make it possible for example to log them separately. You can even inform the developers about problems in production environment.

  1. You are repeating yourself in the code. 
  2. In a team, all members will implement their own validation, with different, ad hoc Exceptions, and they will tend to forget adding meaningful messages to the exceptions.
  3. You do not have a common way to handle validation failures, as any kind of exception can be thrown. 
  4. Therefore you will soon start to implement your own little framework for validating the state, which is the root of the evil :) 

Java assertion

 public void setRefreshInterval(int interval) {
    // validate input parameter
    assert interval > 0 && interval <= 1000/MAX_REFRESH_RATE : interval;

  1. The check is done only in test or development environment, which makes the production code slightly faster.
  2. AssertionError must not be cought, also it does not require additional code to handle it.
  1. The check is done only in test or development environment, which makes problems, that not found during the acceptance very dangerous. Casing exceptions (if you are lucky) or incorrect business operations (if you are not so lucky)
  2. It is not always obvious to run unit tests with assertions enabled. However in case of Maven's Surefire plugin, assertions are swithced on by default, you need to check this when using other build tools.
    Starting Unit test with assertions enabled from a development tool, like Eclipse is also not convenient.  

Guava Preconditions class

Using the Preconditions class from Guava framework makes it easy to define simple validation rules. It has however not too much methods to be used.

  1. Single utility class to validate conditions
  1. A small set of validation methods

Commons Validate class

Using the Validate class makes it easy to implement validation rules. Its convenient methods are easy to use, and have a very easy to read naming convention.

  1. Works with older Java versions as well.
  2. Lots of methods to check null values, collections, ranges, special checks for Strings.
  3. Continuously growing set of methods
  1. Validation can not be restricted to test evironment
  2. There is no possibility to inform the developer, when problem occures in production.

2016. szeptember 21., szerda

Figure out if a field has been changed in JIRA event handler

At the previous post I have created an event handler for JIRA issues. Now, I will show how to check if a particular field has been changed during the event to be handled.

JIRA uses GenericValue objects from org.ofbiz.core.entity package to store event related information. GenericValue is basically a Map implementation to store all kind of data. So the key for finding the information we need is to know, which map keys we need to use to gain the data.

I have implemented a small utility class to find relevant elements in the issue event, and answer if a given field has been changed.

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.atlassian.jira.event.issue.IssueEvent;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.CustomField;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;

 * Wrapper class to gain custom field specific information from the JIRA issue event
 * @author Peter Varga
class IssueEventWrapper {
 // keys to be searched in GenericValue objects
 private static final String KEY_CHANGE_ITEM = "ChangeItem";
 private static final String KEY_ID = "id";
 private static final String KEY_GROUP = "group";
 private static final String KEY_FIELD = "field";

 // Logger instance
 private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IssueEventWrapper.class);

 private final IssueEvent issueEvent;

  * @param issueEvent
 public IssueEventWrapper(IssueEvent issueEvent) {
  this.issueEvent = issueEvent;

  * Answers if value of the given field has been changed during the issue event
  * @param customField
  * @return true if value of the given field has been changed
 boolean fieldValueHasChanged(CustomField customField) {
  try {
   GenericValue changeLog = issueEvent.getChangeLog();
   if (changeLog == null) {
    return false;

   List<GenericValue> changeItems = findChangeItems(changeLog);
   if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(changeItems)) {
    return false;

   for (GenericValue changedItem : changeItems) {
    // name of the field changed
    String field = changedItem.getString(KEY_FIELD);
    if (StringUtils.equals(field, customField.getFieldName())) {
     return true;
  } catch (GenericEntityException ex) {
   log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
  return false;

  * Returns list of change items, containing a single change information for each changed fields of the issue.
 private List<GenericValue> findChangeItems(GenericValue changeLog) throws GenericEntityException {
  Object id = changeLog.get(KEY_ID);
  ImmutableMap<String, Object> map = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object>().put(KEY_GROUP, id).build();
  return changeLog.internalDelegator.findByAnd(KEY_CHANGE_ITEM, map);


Creating event listener for JIRA issue

Issue update event listener makes it possible to when the issue is created or modified in JIRA. As the event listener is registered to the lifecycle of the issue, the listener will be notified independently of the actual GUI element, used to create or update the issue.

Also the event listener will be notified after

  • new issue has been created 
  • issue has been modified via the edit issue popup
  • editing the issue directly on the display issue page
  • modifying the issue by sour application
  • modifying the issue via REST API
You need to implement the listener class. You don't need to implement any particular interface, but create following methods:
  • event handler method, marked with the @EventListener annotation.
  • method for registering the listener, marked with the @PostConstruct annotation.
  • method for unregistering the listener, marked with the @PreDestroy annotation.

package at.a1ta.eap.tasktrack.jira.ppm.fieldsync.eventlistener;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import com.atlassian.event.api.EventListener;
import com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher;
import com.atlassian.jira.event.issue.IssueEvent;
import com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventType;
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue;

 * Issue update event listener. Makes it possible to handle event when the issue is created or modified in JIRA.
 * @author Peter Varga
public class IssueListener {
 // Logger instance
 private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IssueListener.class);

 private EventPublisher eventPublisher;

 private void init() {
  log.debug("at.a1ta.eap.tasktrack.jira.ppm.fieldsync.eventlistener.IssueListener registered to EventPublisher");

 private void preDestroy() {
  log.debug("at.a1ta.eap.tasktrack.jira.ppm.fieldsync.eventlistener.IssueListener unregistered form EventPublisher");

 public void onIssueEvent(IssueEvent issueEvent) {
  Long eventTypeId = issueEvent.getEventTypeId();
  if (!isEventTypeToBehandled(eventTypeId)) {

  Issue issue = issueEvent.getIssue();

  log.info("Issue changed {}", issue);


  * Answers if the event type needs to be handled by this listener. IN this case when issue created or updated. For more event types, refer to the
  * {@link EventType} class.
 private boolean isEventTypeToBehandled(Long eventTypeId) {
  return eventTypeId.equals(EventType.ISSUE_CREATED_ID) || eventTypeId.equals(EventType.ISSUE_UPDATED_ID);


To register the event listener, you need to add the following entries into your atlassian-plugin.xml

<component-import key="eventPublisher" interface="com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher" />
<component key="eventListener" class="at.a1ta.eap.tasktrack.jira.ppm.fieldsync.eventlistener.IssueListener">
 <description>Class that processes the incoming JIRA issue events.</description>

Tips and tricks

  • Do not forget to unregister the listener. If you do, the event handling goes several time at the background, without noticing it, an causes performance problems.
  • The event listener will be fired for all issues on the system. Therefore, in order to avoid performance drops, you need to decide as soon as possible, if the event is relevant to you. I suggest filtering the events by it's type.